Donation of Kubota Johkasau Wastewater Treatment Plants at the Shwedagone Pagoda

Everyday, we have thousands of people visiting to the Shwedagon Pagoda, the most sacred Buddhist pagoda on the world. WM Water, a Wa Minn Company, contributes mindfulness by donating Kubota Johkasou wastewater treatment plants to the public washrooms located at the four entrances of the pagoda on 9thSeptember 2017. Wa Minn is very glad to donate such Kubota Johkasou Systems that clean all needed wastewater every single day for a life time.

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116, Thamine Station Road, Quarter 2, Mayan Gone,Yangon, Myanmar.

Tel : (951) 9660772, 9660412.

Fax:: (951) 9660772, 9660412.


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