WM BUSINESS Development

A Commitment to excellence

Our team in WM Business Development work on Property Development, Project Management, Construction Management, Quality Survey, and Quality Control and Quality Assurance.

Wa Minn Business Development also have in mind several other potential development projects in the soon future.


San Chaung Garden Residence

Type : Residential and Commercial Complex Size : 138,041.7 sq-ft Location : No.104, Sanchaung Street, Shin Saw Pu Ward, Sanchaung, Yangon Status : Completed

Zay Gyi SOHO complex

Type : Commercial Complex (10-unit basement + Seven-and-a-half-storey building) Size : 0.364 Acre Location : No.116, Bldg No(A-7), Thamine Station Road, Quarter(2), Mayangone Township, Yangon, Yangon, Myanmar Status : On Going

Taung Gyi Business Center

Type : Mixed Development Business Centre (Zone A - 2 Storey & 3 Storey with 71 units) (Zone B - Executive 5-Storey Apartment 18 NOS) (Zone C - Bus Terminal 24 Units ) (Zone D - WareHouse 39 Units ) (Zone E - 83 units) Size : 40 Acres Location : 4 Miles, Taunggyi-Hopone Road, Forrest Yard, Taunggyi, Shan State Status : Completed

Taung Gyi Garden City

Type : Myo Thit Urban Housing Size : 1710.24 Arces Location : Namhsee Village - situated in northeast part of Taunggyi Township, Taunggyi District, Pa'O Self-Administered Zone of Northern Shan State. Situated 9.5 miles away from north of Hopong, 5.4 miles away from Nam Khote Village, 1.4 miles away from Kanbawza Cement Factory and 6.2 miles away from Pang Peg Steel Factory Status : On Going

Kalaw Garden Estate

Type : Hotel and Residential Size : 118 acres Location : No.71,Gone Paw Street, Inn Pyin Ywar, Kalaw, Shan State Status : On Going

Kalaw Garden Paradise

Type : Residential Grade 1) Size : 15 Acres Location : No.71, Gone Paw Street, Inn Pyin Ywar, Kalaw, Shan State Status : On Going

Manawhari Commercial Complex

Type : Residential and Commercial Complex (Class A Office) (12 Storeys with 2 Basements , 6 Towers) (Total Residential Units -140 Units) Size : 2.38 Acres (103705 sq-ft) Location : Lot 131 and 132, Block 46(A), Alone Road, Yangon Status : On Going


Wa Minn's Development Team looks after new real estate project development and are committed to the goal of having the highest quality of result for all theri projects. The Core Principles that define the WM Business Development team are:

The stability, creativity and professional expertise of our management team;
An aggressive long-term business plan;
A commitment to excellence;
Our close relationships with strategic partners, municipalities, and development professionals;
A consistent ability to add value;
Our unwavering pursuit of visionary development.

As one of Wa Minn’s newer partnerships and branching company, WM specializes in:

Property Developments
Quary & Mining Management
Project Management
Construction Management
Commercial, Residential and Retail Leasing
Stone Crusher Management
Contact Us

Tel : (951) 9660772, 9660412.

Fax:: (951) 9660772, 9660412.

Email:: admin@waminn.com

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