The Kubota Johkasou system is sold in Myanmar by Wa Minn as the sole authorized distributor and it has received acclamation from the Yangon City Development Council and various environmental organizations due to the environmental friendliness of the system.
To meet Myanmar’s wastewater treatment needs, Kubota Johkasou has committed itself to offering optimal wastewater treatment solutions by utilizing all the technologies and expertise available. This is the mission of Kubota, which is a leading player in the global and Japanese wastewater treatment markets. Kubota has recently unveiled a package incorporating its advanced wastewater treatment plants, this “plant package’ is sure to serve as the key concept of combined wastewater treatment tanks.

High-quality technology and products are used to construct the automated FRP Tank, customizable to cater for individual requirements and installed in a short time frame. Our technicians aim to provide the most cost-efficient and effective solution of every requirement.
Compared to commonly used RC-type systems, our system saves up to 80% on expenses and time required to install. Our performance is reflected through high satandards in environmental management, our health and safety standards for employees, our dedication to the services we provide as well as new opportunities for host communities and shareholders.

Wa Minn’s Kubota Johkasou Wastewater Treatment Major Customers

Nyaung Oo Hospital
East & West Parami Hospital
Kwe Kabaw Hospital
Victoria Hospital
Thiri Sandar Hospital
Thu Kha Kabar Hospital
KBC Hospital
Pan Sabal Phyu Hospital
Sakura Hospital
Dagon Medicare Hospital

Kempinski Hotel
Myanmar Treasure Resort
Heritage Bagan Hotel
Kalaw Hotel
Myat Mingalar Hotel
Swan Hotel
Akariz Resort
Thiri Hotel
Sayar San Hotel

Strand Square Office Tower
River View Condo
Shwe Zabu Deik Condo
SPA Project (Pun Hlaing)
Sait Ta Ya Mahi Housing
68 Residence
Royal Maung Bamar Condo
Innya Lake Residence
Rose Hill Residence
San Chaung Garden Residence
Shwe Myaing Housing
Shop House Complex (Myeik)
Shwe Taung Head Office

Alpine Factory
Asia Metal Company
EMC Government
Sumitomo (Hino Service)
Shwe Fish Cracker Factory
PT Power Factory
Global Earth Argo &
Aqua Industery Public Co.Ltd

Kan Daw Min Park
Myanmar Aquarium
ILBC Mandalay
Chit Thu Myaing Park
Phow La Min Shopping Mall